Business Services Organisation (BSO)
Email: Bso.payandconditions@hscni.net
BSO provide HR services to staff employed in BSO, RQIA, PCC, PHA, HSCB, NISCC, NIGALA, NIPEC, NIMDTA (NIMDTA – Admin & Educator Staff only)
Belfast Health & Social Care Trust
Contact Telephone: 02896 159615
Email: hrenquiry@belfasttrust.hscni.net
Belfast HR also deal with queries for any NIBTS staff.
Northern Health & Social Care Trust
Contact Telephone: 02894413232
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Contact Telephone: 028 8283 5353
Southern Health & Social Care Trust
Contact Telephone: 028 3756 4274
South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust
Contact Telephone: 028 9263 3537
Email: HRAdvisory@setrust.hscni.net
Telephone: 02890534677
Email: hr@nibts.hscni.net
Single Lead Employer (Trainee Employment Team)
Telephone: 02895 360 381
Email: SLE@hscni.net
The employment of Doctors & Dentists in Training has now transferred to NIMDTA Single Lead Employer (SLE). HR Queries should be directed to SLE in the first instance.
Practice-based GP Trainees
SLE also provides a payroll processing service for GP Practice trainees and the team can also be contacted using the above-noted details.